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You can look at those theories to understand the relationships between homosexuality and marriage deeply.
Social constructionism theory
Famous ideologist Michel Foucault proposed social constructivism in the 20th century (Leeds 2009).
Sex is not an idea independent of external conditions, but the result of cultural construction and it will change with time and society. Foucault argues that what we now call homosexuality and heterosexuality are concepts that have only been constructed in modern times (Leeds 2009).
Social constructs tend to favour the nurture and circumstance theories of homosexuality, that is, they tend to believe that homosexuality is caused by environmental influences.
Foucault's thoughts on sexual orientation and social construction were opposed by some people. Because social constructivism only emphasized the role of the outside world and culture but denied the primary feelings of the human heart (Leeds 2009).
Queer theory
According to Jay Stewart, "Queer theory and politics necessarily celebrate transgression in the form of visible difference from norms. These 'Norms' are then exposed to be norms, not natures or inevitabilities. Gender and sexual identities are seen, in much of this work, to be demonstrably defiant definitions and configurations (Stewart 2017).